Zvonimira Jakić is an associate of many international and regional representatives of CSO in Europe the world and the programme manager of Foreign Policy Initiative BH. In her fifteen years of experience, she gained additional education and experience in the European Commission, European Parliament, UNDP, OSCE, Atigatou International and others. As an associate and consultant, she worked in the offices of H.E. Jean Claude Juncker, former President of the EP, H.E. John Magufli former President of Tanzania and H.E. Juan Carlos Varela former President of Panama, MoP. She is one of the creators of the FBIH law on volunteerism and activism. She is a trainer of the European Commission for the topics of European integration, human rights, digitalization, cyber security, youth activism and volunteerism, inclusion and interfaith dialogue. She is an expert associate of the diplomatic corps for organizing European parliamentary and national elections of EU members in the territory of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. As the Secretary General of the Pan-European Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina, she cooperates with the prime ministers of the member countries and representatives of the Presidency, which gives direct insight into European integration and the statuses of current and future member EU countries.She is an expert in the field of foreign and security policy of WB, public administration reform, European and NATO integration, human and children’s rights.

About FPI BH
Foreign Policy Initiative BH is non-governmental organization dedicated to thinking and analyzing the foreign policy, international relations and international obligations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The mission and vision of FPI BH is to raise society’s awareness of the changing nature and implementation of international relations, foreign affairs, diplomacy, expert analysis and an advisory role towards foreign policy makers and decision makers, and to enable a better understanding of the public about the nature of the process of reforming governance structures in BiH, its external policy and EU integration process. The focus of FPI BH’s activities over the years are citizens‘ participation and consultations, education of youth and educating B&H institutions about energy transition, climate/environment change and unstable goals through projects supported by the EC, EU, UN, USAID and FES.