Call for Applications - InvigoratEU Academy: "Making EU Enlargement a Success."

Deadline October 15!

The EU’s approach to enlargement has undergone significant transformation since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. To discuss these changes and reflect on the necessary policy adjustments needed to enable the EU enlargement, we invite you to join us for the InvigoratEU Academy: “Making EU enlargement a success” that will take place in Brussels from 3-6
December 2024. This programme will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of EU enlargement policies and the current geopolitical needs and will offer you the chance to meet senior professionals working on these topics. Through expert-led sessions and meetings with leading EU practitioners, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to actively shape and influence the future of the EU. Read the draft agenda at the end of this document.

For more information visit the TEPSA website here or have a look at the pdf below:

Call for applications: Making EU enlargement a success


Job advertisement: Research Associate, 75%, TVöD 13, 15 June 2024

As part of the Horizon Europe project InvigoratEU, funded by the European Commission, on the EU’s relations with the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans, the Institute for European Politics (iep) is looking for a research associate with an average weekly working time of 29.25 hours as of 15 June 2024. Remuneration will be based on the federal TVöD 13 collective agreement. The position is limited to the three-year project duration until 31 December 2026.

For more information:

TEPSA Academy 2024 – EU enlargement

Call for applications!

The programme has been conceptualised with the goal of providing students from all over Europe with a comprehensive overview of the key debates surrounding enlargement from the EU’s perspective. By involving experts and practitioners from European institutions, think tanks and academia, it aims to create a space for brainstorming and discussion with students on why enlargement is a defining challenge, but also opportunity for the Union. We hope to open a debate and exchange between policy-makers, experts, and students on how to achieve enlargement without compromising on deepening in the EU, while focusing on the EU’s absorption capacity and analysing specific policies that will be particularly affected by an enlarged Union. Attention will be paid to differentiated integration, the EU’s transformative power in the context of enlargement, issues related to the rule of law, and the legal aspects of enlargement.

Future of EU enlargement – 20 years’ experience and future perspectives

On April 18th the Institute of Political Science of the University Duisburg-Essen is inviting to a panel about the future of EU enlargement featuring Prof. Danijela Jacimovic (University of Montenegro), Prof. Boštjan Udovič (University of Ljubljana), Prof. Michael Kaeding (University Duisburg-Essen) and Oliver Schwarz (University Duisburg-Essen).

Job Vacancy - Director of Studies (30-50% FTE) - Department of European Transformation and Integration Studies (Tirana, Albania)

The College of Europe is seeking applications for the position of Director of Studies (30-50% FTE) of the study programme „Master of Arts in European Transformation and Integration – The EU and Southeastern Europe” (ETI) at the newly established Department of European Transformation and Integration in Tirana, Albania [], starting from the academic year 2024-25 onwards (i.e. assuming responsibilities in August/September 2024 at the latest). The successful candidate will be contracted for the initial academic year, with an envisaged extension of two additional academic years (and renewable 3-year appointment periods afterwards).

For further information: Job Vacancy

New Horizon Europe Project

Preparing Europe for the future

With Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, the number of official candidate countries for accession to the European Union has grown to ten. This means that EU enlargement is once again a key strategy for contributing to greater stability and prosperity throughout Europe in times of new geopolitical challenges. From January 1, 2024, InvigoratEU* – a new Horizon Europe project coordinated by the EU-Chair at the University of Duisburg-Essen together with the Institute for European Politics in Berlin – will examine how the EU can structue its future relations with its eastern neighbours and the countries of the Western Balkans. The consortium will initially receive around three million euros in funding from the EU over the next three years.

New Publication "Enlargement and the Future of Europe - Views from the Capital"

Short, opinionated chapters offering different perspectives from in- and outside of the EU, including most of our InvigoratEU consortium members. Big thanks to the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) for their support and to the editors Michael Kaeding (InvigoratEU coordinator), Johannes Pollak, and Paul Schmidt (InvigoratEU Advisory Board Member) for their coordination. 📚🌍 #InvigoratEU #EuropeanFuture #Enlargement #TEPSA

Learn more: