Prof. dr Danijela Jacimovic

Assistant professor Milena Lipovina Bozovic

Dzenana Djurkovic

Dr Bojan Pejovic
The team of University of Montenegro has been/continues to work very much on the future of EU enlargement. The following are examples for enlargement projects of UoM:
Prof. dr Danijela Jacimovic: „Why does Montenegro want to join the EU“, University Duisburg Essen, Germany, Faculty for Social Science, April 2024.
Prof. dr Danijela Jacimovic: „Economic and Political Development: challenges in Montenegro 2000 – 2020“, Institute of European Studies, University of Tirana, June 2024.
Prof. dr Danijela Jacimovic: „Is Europeanization the most successful promoter of growth in the Western Balkans?, Institute of European Studies, University of Tirana, July 2024.
Asst. prof Milena Lipovina Bozovic: “ Dynamics of Montenegrin Accession to the EU: New Challenges – an Overview of Montenegro’s Journey Towards EU Membership“, Institute of European Studies, University of Tirana, June 2024.
Speakers at events:
Prof. dr Danijela Jacimovic: Panel on the TEPSA new volume on „Enlargement and the Future of Europe – views from the capitals, moderator: Michael Kaeding, University Duisburg Essen, Germany, Faculty for Social Science, April 2024.
Prof. dr Danijela Jacimovic: „The future of EU’s enlargement policy“, moderator: Funda Tekin, TEPSA Budapest PPC program, Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economics and Regional Studies, Hungary, June 2024.
Research stays and conferences:
Bojan Pejovic, PhD, attended University of Perugia, Faculty of Economics, in April 2024 for a research stay.
Suncica Vuković, PhD, attended University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics, in May 2023 for a research stay.
Asst. prof. Milena Lipovina Bozovic, and Bojan Pejovic, PhD, attended the 7th International Scientific Conference „Economics of Digital Transformation (EDT) DIGITOMICS“ hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business (EFRI) at the University of Rijeka, Croatia, from June 19-21, 2024.
Prof. dr Danijela Jacimovic, Asst. prof. Milena Lipovina Bozovic and Sunčica Vuković, PhD attented the Montenegrin International Conference on Economics & Business (MICEB 2024 CROSS-REIS edition) „Green entrepreneurship and innovation“, September 2024.