Prof. Dr. Funda Tekin

Prof. Dr. Funda Tekin

Director of IEP and Scientific Lead of InvigoratEU
Julian Plottka

Julian Plottka

Scientific Senior Project Manager

IEP has been/continues to work very much on the future of EU enlargement. The following are examples for enlargement projects of IEP:

WB2EU – Europeanisation meets democracy from below: The Western Balkans on the search for new European and democratic momentum | IEP (

With research questions on the rule of law and justice, the social dimension of the enlargement process, and democratisation „from below,“ the IEP is intensifying its work on the EU enlargement process vis-à-vis the countries of the Western Balkans.

Civil Society STAR Initiative | IEP (

In recent years, conditions for the civil society development in Georgia have deteriorated. Civil Society STAR Initiative aims to strengthen Georgian civil society organisations (CSOs) as sustainable, transparent, responsible and resilient development actors.

UA Transformation Lab: Think-Tanks for Ukraine’s reconstruction and EU integration | IEP (

The UA Transformation Lab combines research on reconstruction and EU integration of Ukraine with a capacity-building programme on policy analysis and advocacy. It strengthens bilateral dialogue and knowledge transfer between Germany and Ukraine.

NEXT4EU: Young generation for EU integration | IEP (

The Republic of Moldova was officially designated as a candidate country for the European Union in June 2022.. The NEXT4EU project supports civil society in accompanying European reforms and especially the young generation in engaging in the integration process.