Richard Youngs

Elena Ventura
Carnegie Europe has been/continues to work very much on the future of EU enlargement. The following is an examples for enlargement projects of Carnegie Europe:
Geoliberal Europe and the Test of War
The book by Richard Youngs will address the different dynamics that have come to characterize European policies in the wake of the war: the nature of EU integration, geopolitical power, defence priorities, European borders, liberal values, the green transition and economic sovereignty. The book looks to the future and outlines the issues and choices with which European governments still need to grapple. Youngs develops the notion of geoliberalism as a way of addressing these challenges and guiding European governments and the EU into the fragile order taking shape in the shadow of Ukraine’s war.
The book will be published in April!
Learn more: https://cup.columbia.edu/book/geoliberal-europe-and-the-test-of-war/9781788217248