Before appointing to the position of coordinator of the National Convention on the EU in 2022, Bojana Selaković worked in Civic Initiatives as a manager of the Program for Public Policies (2013-2016) and Program director (2017-2022) as well as a Board member of Balkan Civil Society Development Network (2016-2022). Fields of her expertise include: Citizen’s participation, Open Government Partnership, CSOs-Government relations, Civil society development, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Association, Grassroots, AML/CFT-NPOs relations. She is experienced in establishing civil society organisations and networks, fostering their growth and effectiveness, including coordinating activities. She has strong references in independent monitoring and shadow-reporting in state – CSOs and citizens relations and European integrations with specific experience in co-creation processes (state – civil society) for developing strategic and action documents at regional (Western Balkans) national and local level.

About NCEU
The National Convention on the EU (NCEU) has been Serbia’s foremost advocate for EU accession since 2006, playing a pivotal role in raising awareness about its benefits. With over 700 CSOs involved, NCEU actively monitors Serbia’s EU accession process across all 35 negotiation chapters through dedicated working groups and cross-sectoral teams. These groups engage in constructive dialogue with government representatives, providing valuable recommendations for policy enhancements. NCEU is an integral part of both governmental and parliamentary procedures related to Serbia’s EU accession, contributing significantly to increased transparency and empowering CSOs as essential actors in the process. Moreover, NCEU serves as a platform for fostering broader social dialogue on crucial issues such as strengthening democratic processes, addressing inequalities, and promoting sustainable development.